CDR Verification Framework Documentation
Docs: Component
Solid phase deepwater storage
The extent to which sunk biomass remains stored in solid form and is incorporated into sediments is a function of biomass type, sinking configuration, and the environmental conditions of the sinking location. Characterizing these dynamics is an area of active research. In the absence of clear evidence of solid phase storage, it is conservative to assume that all sunk biomass is remineralized (see Dissolved phase deepwater storage) and that water circulation will eventually return the CO₂ back to the surface, where it will be brought into equilibrium with the atmosphere (see Outgassing). This uncertainty is not included in the calculation of this pathway's Verification Confidence Level (VCL), because it is also captured by the Outgassing component.
Revision history

Apr 01 2024
First release.
Solid phase deepwater storage
The extent to which sunk biomass remains stored in solid form and is incorporated into sediments is a function of biomass type, sinking configuration, and the environmental conditions of the sinking location. Characterizing these dynamics is an area of active research. In the absence of clear evidence of solid phase storage, it is conservative to assume that all sunk biomass is remineralized (see Dissolved phase deepwater storage) and that water circulation will eventually return the CO₂ back to the surface, where it will be brought into equilibrium with the atmosphere (see Outgassing). This uncertainty is not included in the calculation of this pathway's Verification Confidence Level (VCL), because it is also captured by the Outgassing component.
Revision history

Apr 01 2024
First release.